Wednesday, December 1, 2010

all at once, everything is different...

All those days watching from the windows
All those years outside looking in
All that time never even knowing
Just how blind I've been
Now I'm here, blinking in the starlight
Now I'm here, suddenly I see
Standing here, it's all so clear
I'm where I'm meant to be

And at last I see the light
And it's like the fog has lifted
And at last I see the light
And it's like the sky is new
And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once everything looks different
Now that I see you

All those days chasing down a daydream
All those years living in a blur
All that time never truly seeing
Things, the way they were
Now she's here shining in the starlight
Now she's here, suddenly I know
If she's here it's crystal clear
I'm where I'm meant to go

And at last I see the light
And it's like the fog is lifted
And at last I see the light
And it's like the sky is new
And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once, everything is different
Now that I see you, now that I see you

(i see the light by mandy moore & zachary levi - Tangled OST)

*and this is the reason why i don't like this genre of movie
bikin saya gigit" jariiiiii..

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

well, i'm speechless :)

tanggal 24 kmaren, gue dapet cupcakes yg kya di gambar itu dari mas" ini..
eumm.. kyanya gue ga perlu bilang gue seneng ato ga dapet cupcakes lucu ini :p
sukses lah bikin gue seharian itu senyum" dodol

even if i had known this surprise.. it wouldn't make me less happy

because the thought that you prepared this for me is more meaningful.

makasi ya jelek :)

Monday, August 9, 2010


when you come again to my place in the next couple of weeks..
i want to cry while resting on your chest.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

anger (?)

Lagi, gue pengen membagi orang menjadi dua tipe.
Pertama, orang yang doyannya marah. Marahnya sering, tapi cuma sebentar, trus biasanya langsung lupa.
Kedua, orang yang ga suka marah. Tapi seperti layaknya bom waktu, dia punya waktu hitung mundur.
Yang kalo udah meledak bakal besar banget, atau.. terus menerus.
Well, once again.. gue menjadi bagian dari orang tipe kedua ini.

Kalo gue punya masalah atau hal yg ga gue suka dengan seseorang. Kali itu, gue pasti masih bisa sabar dan meredamnya. Kedua kalinya, ketiga kalinya.. sampai kira-kira suatu batas.. -dan terkadang yang menjadi batas itu cuma hal yang ga penting- meledaklah gue.

Karena ternyata hal yang berlalu itu blum gue lupakan. Tiap-tiap kejadian selanjutnya selalu menjadi trigger untuk kembali ingat ke kejadian-kejadian sebelumnya. Mungkin karena gue belum pernah membicarakannya, sehingga semuanya masih tercetak jelas di ingatan gue. Belum ada sesuatu yang keluar sama sekali dari sana. Belum ada pemecahan dari masalah-masalah sebelumnya.

Gue pernah denger dari seseorang..
"Sabar itu ga ada batasnya."

dan mungkin.. gue memang bukan orang yang sabar.

Monday, June 21, 2010


it's too tiresome to worry about so many.. emm.. i rephrase that.. too many unclear things..
well, maybe i should care less.. and let these things run by its course

Sunday, June 6, 2010

hide and seek..

for all the sweet things you do to me
and for all the things that you, sometimes, suceededly make me frown.. -yet i still miss you-

... love you, lek =P

Friday, June 4, 2010


jadi inget gue pernah nulis kya gini..

i arrived at that moment..
to finally witnessed..
that the drizzle on the breezy road are noticed.
i was able to stand with the vision of you by my side..
and that time.. i finally knew what grateful really is.
i'm standing here, still, with the ability to see the vision of you by my side..
to understand what grateful really mean.
then i know that i could be standing anywhere..
and still be grateful by the vision of you by my side..
hence i realize that grateful .. is you.

sebenernya yang bikin lucu adalah cerita dibalik tulisan itu.
cerita yang klo gue inget" sekarang masih aja ada rasa agak" miris di hati gue.
tapi justru itu yang bisa bikin gue senyum sekarang.

ga nyangka aja ternyata semua tindakan bodoh, ga mikir panjang dan kekeuh gue di masa itu ngebawa gue jadi kya gini sekarang.. haha

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

forever more..

awalnya ini semua cuma dari obrolan ngalor-ngidul ga jelas gue ma temen-temen kosan gue. yang ntah kenapa bikin gue kepikiran mo ng-post blog ini. (hehe..)
sori sebelumnya klo gue terkesan seperti -klo pake bahasa temen gue- 'ababil' (abg labil).

jadi, ada satu lirik lagu yang ntah kenapa bikin gue agak termangu-mangu waktu pertama kali denger. judul nya forever more, dinyanyiin ma James Ingram. ini dah lyric-nya gue copas'in..

Before we go to sleep tonight
We’ll say our prayers
I’ll hold you tight
and kiss away the fears you hold inside you

So many years have passed us by
I cherish the moments by your side
A love like ours will only grow much stronger
I wanna to tell you

That forever more I’ll be the one to love you
When you need me I’ll be there to make you smile
And forever more I’ll be the one you come to oh honey
I’ll be the one to love you when the morning comes

Through all the tears we left behind
The joy we shared, your hand in my mine
I can’t resist touching you not even while you’re sleeping
And when you wake I promise you
We’ll celebrate our dreams come true
A love like ours will only grown much stronger

I wanna to tell you
That forever more I’ll be the one to love you, to love you
When you need me I’ll be there to make you smile
And forever more I’ll be the one you come to oh baby
I’ll be the one to love you when the morning comes

Let me tell you
There will never be another cold and lonely winter night
‘Cause we’re family
And baby our love will last forever

So I’ll say to you
That forever more, I’ll be the one to love you darling
When you need me I’ll be there to make you smile
And forever more I’ll be the one you come to oh I will baby
And that forever more
I’ll be the one to love you when the morning comes

I’ll be the one to love you……..forever more

hehehehe.. maap lah ya klo gue terkesan mellow ga jelas gimana gitu. gue cuma agak" speechless aja ma lagunya.

because maybe i want to have someone like this in my life, and more importantly.. become one in someone's life.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

w o r d

there are certain words that can't easily said by us.
it hard to says simply because it may hurt someone.
either someone who said it or someone who hear it.
worst, it could be happened between you and someone you care.

anyhow, these words could resemble a sword.
problem is : who will ends up getting hurt?
you? or the one you care?

you can't hurt yourself. because -in my opinion- who want get hurt? none.
BUT, you also can't hurt someone you care.
because hurting them just a way back around to hurt yourself in the end.

so, what's your decision?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

thinking it not.

ada sebagian orang yang mempunyai masalah karena mereka berbicara tanpa berpikir dulu.
sebagiannya lagi mempunyai masalah karena terlalu banyak berpikir sehingga mereka akhirnya malah ga bicara.
dan gue merasa menjadi bagian yang kedua.

banyak kesempatan, banyak kejadian, yang udah gue lewatin dengan hal seperti itu terjadi di dalamnya.
contohnya, ketika gue dihadapkan dengan suatu situasi, sebenernya gue udah tau harus ngerespon gimana.
tapi ntah kenapa, gue slalu terhenti buat berpikir :

"bener ga ya klo gue kya gini?"


"berlebihan ga ya kalo gue ngelakuin kya gitu?"


"gimana ya worst response yg bakal gue dapet klo gue ngelakuin itu?"

and often, the moment just pass me by while i'm thinking like that.

dan juga.. ga jarang gue ngerasa menjadi orang yang merasa teramat sangat bodoh dengan menyesali berlalunya moment itu tanpa adanya tindakan apapun dari gue.
yang lebih bodohnya lagi, bahkan setelah gue berkali-kali (sering lebih tepatnya) melakukan kebodohan itu, gue ngga juga belajar dari pengalaman.
gue tetep diem aja. gue tetep sibuk mikir.

sepertinya selain gue harus belajar menulis untuk menuangkan pikiran gue.
gue juga perlu belajar untuk berpikir lebih cepat.
atau lebih tepatnya untuk ga berpikir terlalu jauh.

it's light..

ringan. enteng.
itu yang ada di pikiran gue waktu gue liat blog dua temen gue: naresh dan ami.
kayanya mereka berdua bisa dengan mudahnya mengetikkan jari-jari mereka di keyboard tanpa harus berpikir dulu.

tulisan mereka yg sepertinya sederhana, tapi bagi gue "nyampe".
mungkin karena gue jarang melisankan hal-hal yang berada di otak gue kali ya?
jadinya gue ga bisa menciptakan rangkaian kalimat yang nyambung satu sama lain.
kya sekarang aja, gue ga tau dh apakah kalimat-kalimat yang dari tadi gue rangkai tuh berkesinambungan ato ga.

tapi ya sudahlah..
mungkin emang udah saatnya gue latihan "nulis".
terima kasih tentunya untuk dua orang tadi yang udah mengajak, merayu dan menarik perhatian gue untuk nulis blog.

hai, sailormerkuri !
hai, kotak bundar !
aku dataaannnggg..