Sunday, December 11, 2011

Life is doing fine .

Where am I right now? I am anywhere my life has taken me.
Well, at this very time I'm in here :

and why I could "landed" here? This is all my profession doing.
This profession I have has taken me so far to two places.. (which I hope are enough)
From here :

then being dragged to here..

I was in Tegal just for six weeks to complete the On the Job Training part.
And for the next is I'm being transferred to Purwokerto.

I'm lying if I say that I'm totally okay with all of these... Actually, I'm not.
I'm not okay with these things.
But the funny part from this is "life is doing fine".
Though, the one who might not be fine is me. It's very contrast, isn't it?

Life is doing fine. It'll always be fine.
.. and next is my turn to make sure that I'm as fine as life can be.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

another random babbling

Gue selalu merasa amaze liat temen" gue yg pada sering posting di blog mereka. Dan sementara mereka pd sibuk nulis, gue di lain sisi cuma baca dan bahkn terkadang nungguin update dari mereka.
Terkadang gue penasaran, gimana mereka selalu punya sesuatu untuk diceritakan disini.
Or is it my life that boring? so I can't come up with something interesting enough to write?
nah.. I'm over reacting..

wah, cukup lama jg ya sejak posting terakhir gue.
All I can say to fill the time gap is "my life's good".
as for the details.. errm, I think I'll write it in the next posting, hehe
